
The first secretion platform for gram-negative bacteria
Initiated by the discoveries of Dr. Christian Schwarz, Numasec is the first reliable and efficient secretion technology for gram-negative bacteria.
Numasec can achieve Sectag target titers of more than 30 g per liter of expression culture with initial purities of > 95%.
This holds true for antimicrobials, highly active compounds and pharmaceuticals without affecting production and growth performance of the E. coli.
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Increase quality, decrease cost of goods

Experience the power of trifunctional Sectag
Due to the high secretion levels and outstanding high product purities, manufacturing with unique productivities and reduced downstreaming efforts possible. Cost of goods are reduced for the production of targets at the highest qualities.

This is possible by equipping common E. coli bacteria with a type 1 secretion system (T1SS) and a fine-tuned version of a RTX protein, called Sectag. This is a trifunctional protein tag provides three essential features: transport, solubility and protection of produced peptides.


Sectag targets are expressed in the cell, recognized by the T1SS and transported across the Gram-negative cell wall.


The Sectag increases the solubility and counteracts aggregation of many targets.


Targets are protected from degradation and simultaneously cells are not harmed by product functionalities.

Numasec enables the production of Sectag target titers of more than 30 g per liter of expression culture with initial purities of over 95%.

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